Green River, UT: Melon Days celebration, watermelon paradise.! postcard


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Back of PostcardWelcome to Green River, Utah!

Nestled on the east fork of the Green River, this charming farming community is known for its delicious watermelons. Every September, locals and visitors alike come together to celebrate Melon Days, enjoying the early fall weather and indulging in as many watermelons as they can eat.

The town comes alive during this festive time, with activities for all ages and plenty of opportunities to sample the sweet, juicy fruit that Green River is famous for. Whether you’re a watermelon enthusiast or just looking for a fun weekend getaway, Melon Days in Green River is not to be missed.

So mark your calendars and make plans to join us in Green River for a celebration of all things watermelon. We can’t wait to see you there!


Mountain West Prints ©2000 Great Mountain West Supply S.L.C. Utah 84115
Printed in Korea. Created, designed & published in U.S.A. Photos By: Charles D. Thomas
52774 01000 ‘6
052774 241035

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