The postcard features the U.S. Army Hawk missile.


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Back of PostcardThe U.S. Army Hawk missile is a versatile weapon designed to defend against enemy attackers flying at low altitudes. It is relatively small and highly mobile, capable of being moved by highway, small trucks, helicopters, or fixed-wing aircraft. The missile can be operated at fixed installations in the U.S. or with fast-moving Army forces in the field. The Raytheon Manufacturing Co. is the prime contractor for the Hawk missile. This postcard is part of a series illustrating and describing different weapons and equipment in the NABISCO Shredded Wheat “Defenders of America” series. Each card features an official photograph from the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine. One of these official photograph reproductions is included in each package of NABISCO Shredded Wheat. Collect the entire set by regularly eating NABISCO Shredded Wheat and trading with your friends.

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